Since you are in SC, will assume you are headed up I26 to I40. You will have to deal with Saluda Grade followed by the Green River Dip. Just west of Asheville you have a short 1 mile steep climb with truck lane. Then you have a few miles until the gorge. It's curvey but not like a back road, speed limit is 55mph, truck 50mph. If you feel a bit uncomfortable passing semis on the curves, just slow down and take the slow lane through the entire gorge.
It's really a piece of cake regardless of what you are driving or towing.
It's an Interstate and trucks pulling 53' trailers use it 24/7.
Went through about 1am heading to my first granddaughter's birth and I was the only non-semi in the entire gorge. Had a couple blow their horns at me thinking I was a semi in the left hand passing them. Don't know what their reaction was to a truck camper going through that time of night. Was the easiest drive through the gorge I've ever had.