time2roll wrote:
Try Nine mile canyon road off 395 at Pearsonville. Solid 10% for nine miles with a few 15 mph curves to break any momentum. The top part makes up some of the easier spots at the start. Ebbetts pass 24%, Sonora Pass 26%. 190 into the north end of DVNP is a sustained 9% so you can also test your cooling system in 120+ heat. You will know your limit when you are full throttle in low gear and losing speed into the TC slipping.
You win! LOL
You must be the true Californian.
I thought I've already explored all the byways of California, including those where you are driving for an hour and never encountered a soul, but these ones are I'm very fortunate not to pass by.:E
So the 6% max grade are only for freeways?