Busskipper wrote:
Potentnuts wrote:
I'm taking notes on these responses, very good info I didn't think of. the responses on traveling thru Yellowstone especially.
I don't have anything against the campgrounds I just didn't think they would be feasible, but after some digging online, and your comments, it makes sense to try for them.
I have to get out of the "what I can do" mentality, and start thinking what "we can do". I have driven straight thru from seattle to LA and back before, seattle to Bozeman once, the last one I did was Edmonton to seattle during winter, that one was sketchy cause of 300 miles of snowy mountain passes.
maybe I should prioritize the trip for what it is ,a family reunion in Minnesota.
With a chance to see a few things along the Way, Still will be able to at least SEE a FEW things as you make the drive.
Plan the Days with 3-4 hours of driving - stop maybe see some things (2hours) drive again - stop see some things - tuck the kids in - Drive some more (Just to Keep YOU Happy) - so YOU can still have the Long days - the Kids and DW can see a few things/have a meal and you can still have a long driving day, broken up by many periods of FUN for the Family.
If the timing is perfect you might just drive through Yellowstone and Mt Rushmore, see lots of local high lights still get to he Reunion, and everyone can have FUN.
Just a thought,
X1 I got the impression that "long Hauler" was actually trying to plan 2 different trips into 1.
Trip 1 was a "Long Hauler marathon trip" Trip 2 was a "family RV trip". This combination of trip planning is like mixing oil and water. I would suggest looking at alternative trip planning i.e.
Plan two seperate trips. Fly to the class reunion for a quick trip. Then plan an RV trip
that is slower paced and family friendly with opportunities to stop and smell the roses.