Nov 08, 2020Explorer
911 emergency calls in Mexico
Yes Mexico has 911 emergency accesses in Mexico City and 15 other cities and today maybe more, I do not have that current information, how to know if your locality has this service? Police cars, ambulances and fire trucks will display this number in red.
Be aware that when calling this number in Mexico, the operator will answer with nine-eleven rather than with nine-one-one and the words cual es (SU or LA)emergencia, and they do have English speaking personnel 24/7.
For those of you that are Spanish challenged I will try to guide you through the simple words to communicate with the operator.
Operator...Nueve once cual es su emergencia?
(Operator...nine eleven what is your emergency?)
You... Necesito un(a)operadora en ingles, por favor.
(You... I need an English operator, please.)
you can also speak to them in Spanish if you can convey the pertinent information that is needed.
Give the following information
Phone number
Street name and nearest cross street, house number or locale if available
!warning! in many places in Mexico street names and numbers are sometimes not readily available or hard to find, so you have to use land marks such as parks, churches, stores, monuments or big avenues, round bout's or well known landmarks as in restaurants or hotels or request a local to give the information for you, Mexicans will always help a turista.
For those of you that may need to call the United States Embassy or the Canadian Embassy the numbers are:
US Embassy in Mexico City is... 55-5080-2000
Canadian Embassy is... 55-5724-7900
or toll free... 800-706-2900
Some big cities and major ports also have consulates, in cities you can find the consulate by asking for it and the directions how to get there and of course by the flag on the flag pole, in some ports the consul is a local person and the phone and address will be known to the port captain.
Be aware that when calling this number in Mexico, the operator will answer with nine-eleven rather than with nine-one-one and the words cual es (SU or LA)emergencia, and they do have English speaking personnel 24/7.
For those of you that are Spanish challenged I will try to guide you through the simple words to communicate with the operator.
Operator...Nueve once cual es su emergencia?
(Operator...nine eleven what is your emergency?)
You... Necesito un(a)operadora en ingles, por favor.
(You... I need an English operator, please.)
you can also speak to them in Spanish if you can convey the pertinent information that is needed.
Give the following information
Phone number
Street name and nearest cross street, house number or locale if available
!warning! in many places in Mexico street names and numbers are sometimes not readily available or hard to find, so you have to use land marks such as parks, churches, stores, monuments or big avenues, round bout's or well known landmarks as in restaurants or hotels or request a local to give the information for you, Mexicans will always help a turista.
For those of you that may need to call the United States Embassy or the Canadian Embassy the numbers are:
US Embassy in Mexico City is... 55-5080-2000
Canadian Embassy is... 55-5724-7900
or toll free... 800-706-2900
Some big cities and major ports also have consulates, in cities you can find the consulate by asking for it and the directions how to get there and of course by the flag on the flag pole, in some ports the consul is a local person and the phone and address will be known to the port captain.