Were it me....I have driven all the route before, at different times, while towing my 30 Ft Fifth Wheel, but I recognize that yours is longer. Here is what I would say. On 199 in California there is about a 15 mile section that has some sharp curves and is narrow. If memory serves there is a 30 foot KPRA length restriction which you might just meet. 101 is a good tow all the way to the Bay Area, but unless you like towing on narrow city streets in heavy traffic you might want to go around the north bay then get on I680 the rest of the way into San Jose. Going into Yosemite you can backtrack North from San Jose on 680 to 580 then take 580/205/5/120 into the park. Again 120 is narrow and curvy in places and might have a 30 Foot restrictin. You can find more information from Caltrans.