explorenorth wrote:
I sometimes carry and use a Coast Guard type air horn in brushy grizzly country - not to scare the bear if I see him, but to warn him that I'm in the area. If they know you're coming they will most likely leave, if you blow that thing at him, it might be a very different story.
I do the same, I have been in bear country all my life and never had a problem. I don't carry a gun, but I do carry Bear Bangers, bear spray as well as a air horn. I also use the air horn to let the Forrest critters know we are in the area, usually when we stop for lunch or are taking a break.
We do a lot of back road exploring in our side X side and contrary to popular belief they are not that noisy. Yes some people put load exhaust systems on them however ours is stock and we usually will drive up on Bear, Deer, Elk the odd Moose and Mountain Sheep. We will sit and wait for them to see us before we carry on but sometimes the air horn comes out when Mr. Bear keeps walking towards us as he hasn't gotten a wif or seen us yet.
We also have the pump up model of air horn.