Like said above if you don't need to go all the way to Alamogordo and across to Midland I would take I 25 380 at San Antonio, NM (stop at the Owl Bar and Grill for a great Green Chili Cheeseburger) 380/70 214 385 I 20 You also miss Ruidoso because you can just stay on 380 east and pick up 70 at Hondo, NM..... All good roads and not a lot of traffic. If you need to go to Alamo check US 82 !!! Before heading to Midland that way. Starting next week they are shutting 82 down at the tunnel....don't know for how long or what times but there are signs lit up informing that 82 will be closed July 13.....I 10 east to I20 east to Midland if you leaving from Alamo.