From Ft Nelson we drove to Ft Liard and that's where we saw the most bear per mile. And the fewest vehicles. That's a long stretch - not by Canada or Alaska standards but it's a good drive. IIRC on our way to Ft Liard we saw 2 other vehicles and 10 bears.
As PA12DRVR mentioned those towns are good jumping off places to see what else AK and Canada has to show. They're all nice towns with their own history but AK, Yukon, BC, and Alberta isn't about the towns.
You don't want to underestimate the frost heaves. We were parked along the road taking in the view when a flatbed semi came by, well faster than I would have been driving. He hit a frost heave and all 18 wheels came off the ground by the time he cleared the heave. It was down and then up like going off a ramp.
As far as hitting a moose we were first on the scene after a Dodge pickup hit a moose square on. The hood was crumpled and shoved inside the cab. The driver was OK but a bit banged up. Every thing in front of the engine, grill, lights, bumper, everything was compacted into the engine. The moose didn't fare any better.