K_and_I wrote:
Wadcutter wrote:
c.traveler2 wrote:
We plan on going in 2021 if all is well, this would make our third trip up to Alaska. we'll be entering through Nagara Falls this and traveling east towards Alaska. For those who never have been to Alaska allow lot of time to travel it's a long drive.
I'll bet it was a really long drive to Alaska going east from Niagara Falls. You might want to stop and ask directions before you get to Nova Scotia.
If Columbus would have stopped and asked directions, he never would have discovered America.
Just so you know, Columbus didn’t discover America...about 500 years before him Leif Eriksson set up shop in what is now Canada, which is part of America.
And about 15,000 years before Leif and his troop showed up the asians walked over from Siberia to North America.
Now that’s what my history teacher told us back in the early 70’s... but... things may have changed since then, who knows...