The single biggest way to cut costs, is to buy as little fuel and spend as little time as possible in Canada. If at all possible, carry as much fuel as you can and plan your fuel stops to be large towns only. Try not to buy any fuel on the Cassiar Highway. I dropped $800 on one fuel stop in deese lake this past September (1/2 tank in a U-haul & 1/3 tank in my 1 ton). I did the math, and if I had bought a 90 gallon tank and installed it in my truck, the fuel savings would have paid for the tank and install.
Well, in retro I would agree with this statement if I were just hauling goods or passing thru if I was constraint for time, noting of a U-Haul in parallel travelling with an RV rig shown here,...this is the way my philosophy was in my past trips thru Canada well before I finally got an RV rig.
However most of us that own an RV are on a vacation, and most of the RV rigs on the road tend to be near, at or over GWVR capacity to where there is no room or too heavy to add a filled 90 gallon auxiliary tank for some rigs (I wish I could add one).
I assume the $800 fuel purchase shown was a typo for an $80 fuel purchase at Dease Lake, in which is one of the highest priced fuel stops on the Cassiar Highway as I never buy fuel there (thank god for dual fuel tanks).
According to my records, Dease Lake was $1.569/litre in September 2013 when I passed thru, $1.489/litre in September 2012, $1.339/litre in July 2010.
Junction 37 at the north end of the Cassiar Hwy. was $1.519/litre in September 2013, $1.439/litre in September 2012, $1.199/litre in July 2010.
Bell II Lodge fuel prices was $1.510/litre in September 2013, $1.460/litre in September 2012, $1.250/litre in July 2010.
Kitwanga Jct at the south end of the Cassiar Hwy. was $1.399/litre in September 2013, $1.349/litre in September 2012, $1.089/litre in July 2010.
In September 2011 the Cassiar Highway severely washed out in two places by torrential rains which left motorists stranded for a few days that were located between the two washouts until the south closure had one lane open with pilot car escort, the north closure washout remained closed and was still under extensive repair.
Since the Cassiar Highway route runs along many hills and mountains over some wicked terrain, among some of these locations tend to be exposed to coastal weather conditions as especially on moderate or severe rainy days of travel I highly recommend for those to choose to commute on the Cassiar Hwy. to carry adequate spare fuel with them and to keep adequate fuel supply you feel comfortable with in case an impassible washout persists to where you might be a distance factor away from a fuel station upon potentially having to turn back in the opposite direction, there are not too many fuel stations along the Cassiar Highway compared to the Alaska Highway.