We were camped at the top of the hill, between the highway and the cliff, overlooking Homer, when this latest one hit. According to the experts, the epicenter was in sight, directly across the bay. I had just stepped out of the motorhome, and walked to a garbage barrel a few feet away. The barrel was up against a small enclosure, surrounded by a 6' high stockade fence. I was mindlessly tearing a cardboard carton apart when I had the strange feeling of somebody pushing me skyward, about half a foot or so, then slowly lowering me down. Like if you were standing in the back of a truck when the driver slowly crossed a big speed bump. As I though WTH was that? I looked up and saw the entire fenced enclosure slowly dancing like a flag in a light breeze. It was all over in a few seconds. I open the door to the camper and found my wife with a death grip on the corner of the dinette. She was a bit pale and said it was pretty scary, and she thought that the rig was going over. I've been through a few others and they all seemed to last a lot longer, or were a lot more violent, this one was a few interesting seconds.