Since we're on book recommendations, I'll echo that Church's book is excellent for campground and camping information (and some general information too). The Milepost is sometimes interesting, but sometimes seems more to be a geographical yellow pages as much as anything.
DeLorme and Benchmark both have Alaska atlases. The Benchmark one I found much nicer to use for driving. DeLorme has an unfortunate choice of colors that makes contour lines and minor roads look very very similar.
The top of the world/Taylor highway (through Chicken) didn't seem to me exceptionally harsh on tires. The Taylor highway north to Eagle is rougher and a whole lot narrower and more harrowing if you're at all afraid of heights; but Eagle is a very interesting town to visit for a day or so (and the BLM campground at Eagle is very well kept). Certainly missing Dawson City would be a shame. The Dalton for sure could be, and on vehicles in general, but has some of the most amazing scenery to be seen from the road. In particular, the stretch through and around the Brooks Range is spectacular...I was very glad to have done it once, but I don't know whether I'd take my motorhome over it again or not as they are not at all gentle miles.