zb39 wrote:
We last went in 2003 in the summer. We want to go next year but with a wedding in Brazil the end of July we can't leave until Aug 1. Wondering how things are in Sep in Alaska. I checked weather and looks good. we can handle 30 to 50's. Are campgrounds still open, Lots of places to boon dock even in a large rig. My wife does want some shopping, touring, etc. I would guess that all the places are still open in Sept, but not sure. Head home Oct 1 or so. Not really on a schedule .
Personal view is that mid-September to mid-October is some of the best time Alaska has to offer....but that's for scenery, temps, hunting, stuff like that.
Most of the campgrounds are shutting down shortly after Labor Day; many of the dedicated tourist attractions stop at that time as well.
There will still be some tourist activities but pretty few and far between after September 15 or so...particularly if the COVID thing means there are the reduced #'s of visitors as we've had for the past 18 months. You'd probably have to, for example, hook up with Joe the Bush Pilot to fly around McKinley rather than booking a standard tour with R***'s or *2.
Boondocking opportunities will be the same as earlier in the year...although comparing 2003 to now, there are far more signs on the wide spots about "No overnight stays" or "No camping"...don't think that's actively enforced.
Temps will be right within your range (30 - 50) for much of Alaska: warmer, perhaps, in SE, cooler (possibly much cooler) up North of Fbks.
If you can make it for any part of August, there will be more opportunities.