I renewed my regular passport before heading to Alaska. I'd previously used it to enter the British Isles. (I flew on that trip.) :)
When I crossed into Canada at Sweetgrass, MT. the border agent asked me if I'd ever been fingerprinted. I told him I didn't know but didn't think so. DUH. My fingerprint was on my passport that he had in his hand. The trick is to not lie. Going into and leaving Alaska I barely had to slow down before being waved through. Of course, I had Ohio license plates.
More important is to Google "Customs regulations entering Canada" and the same for returning to the US. They change from time to time and border crossing location. Examples: No hand guns into Canada. And no citrus fruit coming into the US at Sweetgrass, MT. California doesn't want diseased citrus entering the state, or competition. Whatever you do, DON'T LIE. They already know the answer to the questions they ask. Crossing southbound into the states, I drove past a guy that was taking everything out of his MH that wasn't permanently attached and laying it on the ground for inspection. I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing he lied about something or made some sarcastic remark. And the customs agents don't put it back for you. Bet it took him half a day to cross the border.
And don't take any white powder across the border either way that's not in its original container, like powdered milk. :)