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bclan6's avatar
May 01, 2015

Any mountain passes on this route...from FL-Montana?

New RV'er. Taking kids cross-country. I'm concerned with steep mountain passes and strong winds and looks like a lot of construction on google maps. Here are the stops we would like make. Please let me know of any passes to steer clear of. Any websites that list them all? I've seen a couple that left out ones that I knew of. I don't want to get in a bad situation. Please be as specific as you can regarding the location so I can look them up :) If I need to choose an alternate route (i.e. going through the southern states, then up through Utah and ID instead) that's ok too.

Class A 34', no tow yet but possibly will have small SUV by then.

Florida-Chattanooga-Badlands National Park-Mount Rushmore-Bighorn National Park-Yellowstone-Glacier Park-Mesa Falls.

I75N-FLorida-GA, then it turns into I24.
I24W-Tennessee, Kentucky
I64, then I70 through Missouri
I90W-Minnesota, South Dakota to Mount Rushmore
Hwy 244 W/US 16W/ I90W through Bighorn National Park
Bighorn to Yellowstone. then US 191N/US 287N
us 287N to MT-359 in Madison County,MT.
I-15N/US-89N to Glacier Park-Glacier Route 1 Road to Going-to-the SUn-Road
I-15S to US-69S to US-20- Mesa Falls

I hope this all makes sense and I can get good advice if I need to take a different road to avoid a big pass, major construction issues or strong winds. Anything to see on the way is welcomed advice too! Thanks so much for your help!!
  • newk has it right about mountain grades. Use lower gears. You can check out "wyoroadinfo" for current weather conditions in Wyoming. Most states google their state and dot for weather.
  • As noted, you can't take your rig on Going to the Sun Road. Head around the southern end of the park on US 2. Also agree not to travel too far each day with kids. For the trip you have planned, I would go for any less than three weeks, and that is really pushing it.
  • You are not allowed to take any vehicle more than 7' wide over the Going to the Sun road, perhaps your tow car, or there are several tour services that take people to the various rest areas, and then pick them up on the next bus to take them to the next stop, and back to your campground at the bottom of the hill, either the east or west sides.

    I did take the alternate route to from the west campground towards Yellowstone back in 1994, I did not recall anything significant about that drive, but I was used to driving through steep mountains back then.

    How many miles are you planning on driving, and how many weeks? That does seem like a really long trip. I recall hearing about a 5000 mile trip that a friend took, and they never really stopped to do more than take pictures! You do not want it to all be 800 mile travel days, and I would suggest skipping Glacier NP, unless you are going all summer! It is just more cliffs and rocks to look at, that said I did go there in 1994 and back in 2006 while on my way someplace else.

  • The interstates are limited by design to only 6% grades. So for every 100 feet forward, you go up 6 feet in elevation. That said, to go over a 600' tall mountain requires going up a 6% grade that is 10,000 feet long, or about 2 miles.

    Yes you will encounter mountain grades. If you are going to Yellowstone, the easy way in is either West Yellowstone, or through Jackson Hole or taking I90 to Livingston, then enter at the north entrance station. This avoids the really steep Beartooth mountain (about 10,000 feet elevation) that is comfortable only for those who already are great at mountain driving.

    Montana is at a higher elevation. I think the average elevation is around 4,000'?

    Denver Colorado is called the 'mile high city' due to it's elevation being over 5,280' of elevation! Much of Colorado is over 5,000' elevation. But big rig trucks take these grades at 45 MPH all the time, and so can you! Make sure that you take the RV out of overdrive when going down the hills, anytime that you would need the brakes to slow a bit, you should have been out of overdrive a 1/4 mile ago! That will allow some 'engine braking' and save the service brakes from overheating!

    Have fun on your trip. Don't let the elevations scare you. remember at 5,000' elevation, you will feel a bit out of breath, but that you will overcome that after being at the higher elevations for a few days.

  • Summertime strong winds are usually associated with thunderstorms. It's impossible to predict them... anywhere.

    There's no "Bighorn National Park," only a Bighorn National Forest. This is a guess. You're planning Hwy 16 over the Bighorns? If so, that's the one I usually recommend. It's a mountain road, but it's a good, paved, wide highway with mostly gentle curves and not-too-steep grades -- if you're careful and don't ride the brakes.

    (Use lower gears and use the brakes wisely. Don't "ride" them, don't "tap" them. Brake hard to slow, then get off of them until you must use them again to slow. With an engine brake you won't need the brakes much. If you find that you're using them much, pull over and do the touch test on all wheels. If they're hot, take an hour break and enjoy a picnic or some roadside photography.)

    The mountain driving on Hwy 16 will be between Buffalo and Ten Sleep (60 miles?) You'll get into it again once inside Yellowstone -- nothing that all rigs can't handle; just take your time and use your noggin.