You have to have lived the experience of 2008-2012 or beyond to understand that we are returning to those days again. It wasn't fun. This time around, there is no one to protect us. No confrontation.
With the latest incident in Reynosa this last week, even those living along the border are fleeing to the U.S. if they can. They are fed up with the "Abrazos no balazos" and "prohibido prohibir".
I just wouldn't want any rver to be trapped in the nightmare as it would create an international scandal that would further reduce rving in Mexico.
We continue to rv, but it's not as fun as it used to be. Let's just hope the current condition in which we live here will soon improve. I'm not very optimistic as I know the current administration and have studied the man as far back as 2006. I know where all this is going.
If you don't speak the language, read the news or newspapers in either language, and don't understand where the current Latin American political culture is going, then I guess you are okay.
I'm done with it. Have fun and maybe we will cross paths somewhere along the way.