As a quick follow-up to my question at the end of 2021: We crossed on Jan 1 in Nogales. It was extremely quiet (thanks to Dec 31 New Year's eve celebrations no doubt). Also no lines to get our tourist cards; it took 10 minutes total. I liked that you can now pay your entry fee via credit card right there; no need to leave the migracion office to go pay at the bank and return.
So, we've been staying at Kino Bay RV Park in Kino Nuevo for almost a month now. Very quiet with the exception of some construction work across the road where a new condo building is going up. Kunkaak and all the other RV parks are closed with the exception of Islandia in Kino Viejo. We checked it out but they didn't have a good available spot for our trailer.
We're getting settled as we learned when and where to get Pollo Asado, fresh bread (every Wed. and Sat. at Islandia where Mohamed bakes), car repair (at Eric right outside of Islandia), etc. No need to go to Miguel Alleman or Hermosillo for groceries as we find all we need at the local grocery stores (Mediterraneo on the main road when entering Kino Viejo and another large store on the road to Islandia, also in Kino Viejo). Also lots of activities at the Club Deportivo next to the Kino Bay RV park.
Good food, good weather, friendly people, affordable!