Forum Discussion

marc515's avatar
Dec 26, 2016

Best Alaska Travel Guide??

Beginning to plan our RV trip to Alaska, and I'm considering the Milepost Travel Guide, but I am not sure if the web site wouldn't be simpler to use.

Since it's going to be an RV trip, I'm also wondering if Mike and Terri Church's book 'Alaskan Camping wouldn't be better than the Milepost?

Your insight appreciated.

Thank you
  • You might think the Milepost web site would be better but consider getting an internet signal when traveling. Signals are very scarce, especially in Canada & remote areas of Alaska. Nothing beats having a book to follow on your lap when traveling.
  • We still have our original 2012 hard copy of the Milepost. DW highlights and makes notes in the margins each time we go north which we refer to on future trips. We now have just about every suitable roadside pullout, gravel pit, or rest area highlighted along the Alaskan Highway and around Alaska. We have found the Milepost to be of great value. Yes, it takes some practice to learn how to use but we believe the benefits are worth the effort.

    We did take Church's with us this last year but didn't use it that much due to all of our personal additions to the Milepost.

    We would not think of driving the Alaskan Highway without our Milepost.
  • The Milepost is great. I found it very easy to use while underway as it has so much information in it. I would also suggest getting a Lonely Planet book as their insight to the state can be very different.
  • I've had both and prefer Church's book. My partner said The Milepost is very difficult to use while driving and didn't bother as a planning tool. If you think you need both, check a friends of the library for an old copy.
  • Can't provide a comparison, but we loved having a copy of the Milepost (in paper) with us along the way. My guess is that you will find yourself outside of cell coverage at least some of the time, and you'd be better off with the paper copy.

    The place we rented our motorhome from had a "leave it and/or take it" library, and there was a current copy of Mileposts that someone had left behind. Gotta love free!

  • We used both of the books you mentioned. In our opinion, they highlight two different issues. Milepost for the routes and gas info., and Church's book for campgrounds and boondocking. We also took a "AAA Tour Book" for the area.

    One important thing to remember is that campgrounds pay to advertise in the Milepost, whereas Church's book is more independent with reviews.

    Have a great trip!