Before we head out my husband puts our route in the laptop using Street Atlas USA. Our destination is also entered into the GPS with whatever route restrictions or options he prefers. I pull out the AAA maps and the Good Sam RV Road Atlas and study the route. I usually also plan our trip using the Good Sam online program and save it to the laptop and also print some things.
When he drives, I use my paper maps, although the laptop is open and his program is running. I do look at it occasionally to see if it agrees with me and the GPS. I don't always agree with either of those. When that happens - the paper map wins unless we see a genuine reason to follow one of the others. I also have Exit Now and/or The Next Exit open to the proper page if we're on Interstates. That way I can have options for gas planned out ahead of the time we need it. I also have that info from the Good Sam planner.
When I drive, he uses ONLY the lap top and the GPS. Drives me crazy. When we stop for any reason, if I'm going to be driving and think we may need to stop for fuel during my "shift" I check ahead in the books for RV friendly gas stations. He has yet to master either of the 2 books mostly because he would rather use the GPS to look things up but our GPS has no idea if we'll fit in that place or not.
My biggest complaint about EN and TNE are that not all of the RV friendly stations they list are gasser friendly. On more than one occasion we've had to do a drive-by because, while they had diesel pumps to one side or around back that worked, the gas pumps were oriented such that getting in and out with our rig would be, at best, difficult.
I admit, I love my paper maps. I like to follow along as we go and look ahead. I highlight things, look for something nearby that might be of interest, whatever. He's more technology oriented.
Since I'll be 65 in June and he'll be 69 in January I don't think we can say that - in our case - it's an age thing. Heck, I still prefer to read a printed book rather than one downloaded to a tablet. He's just the opposite. Maybe for us it's a gender thing. :)