Danford50 wrote:
My wife made a suggestion that she want to go to Colorado(Denver area) to camp but then she said that she did not want to go thru Kansas so I am looking for some directions THAT WOULD By-pass Kansas I check with MapQuest and all it showed me was going thru Kansas.
Fields are fields, no matter which state they are in, but if you need to miss Kansas, Oklahoma is the logical choice. we have found that once you are on the western side of the Mississippi River the roads other than the Interstates are just as fast and a lot less crowded, sure you have to go through a few towns but IMHO that is the beauty of traveling in the RV.
I suspect if you talk this through a little bit see will understand that that last 600 miles to Denver is a test no matter which state you are in and that the only way to make it pleasant is to make it short as possible. That leads me to the suggestion of taking I-70 to St Louis and then head up to Hannibal to catch Rt 36 across the top of the state to Boulder/Denver, Colorado. Easy drive and as friendly as any we have found across this section of the US.
How ever you decide the biggest decisions are yet to come -- we, as many others, have found that Colorado has just soooo..... Much to offer it will take a life time to see it all.