ferndaleflyer wrote:
Round about way but take I-64 west to I-81 North in to PA and hit I-84 East into mid Conn and head back over to I-95 etc. You miss it all.
As a truck driver it’s my proven choice. From south of IH-64, IH-95 is easy all the way to Miami (or Florida’s Turnpike). But never use it north from Richmond until past NYC.
It ALSO avoids the mess the Carolinas have become. Avoid cutting W too soon. The bypass south of Richmond (and 64) are wide open running all the way to 81.
When ones destination is between Richmond & NYC, not much helps. IH-287, sure, but there’s ALWAYS choke points and back ups somewhere.
FWIW, run 81N to intersect IH-87 N of 287 and use IH-90 to get into New England works fine. Turn south when desired.
All the traffic is on the coastal plain. The above is the back-thru-the-woods alternative. Much nicer in every way. Just takes longer.
There’s plenty to see and enjoy in the high density areas. I’d never avoid it and miss those. Most US history is inside that.