garyhaupt wrote:
SideHillSoup wrote:
Now I’ve been camping in campgrounds and out in the bush for free for as long as I can remember. There are tons of places up here that you can park over night or even camp for free, you just have to make sure you know where you can’t park overnight or camp.
So here is a list of a few places you “CAN’T” camp or park for free overnight:
Any Canadian National Park, BC Provincial Parks, most cities, towns or villages, any private property, any First Nations reserve, or any places posted by signage. There are a couple of Walmart’s that don't allow overnight parking in BC that I know of, but I believe that’s because of a city bylaw, and not because Walmart won’t allow it. There are probably exceptions to the list I have written above so don’t jump all over me if you know of an exception to one or the places on my list.
Have fun on your trip.
SideHill..I ain't lookin to pick a fight with you, but I am going to disagree on one of your lines in where one "can't camp". There is no city in BC that one can't find a night place. Every Save-On Foods store (but Nelson), for starters..and they provide wifi. I have never been in any BC locale that I haven't been able to find spot to overnight. And yes..I mean opposed to paid camp sites. Or stealth camping...parking for a night someplace within city limits.
Gary Haupt
I guess Garry you didn’t read the second to last thing I said.... and yes, as I said “ MOST” ... I also said I have been doing it for most of my life... so yes Garry you can do it...
I just sep t two months in the south western USA, we as they call it down there Boondocked most of the time. However Gary, I asked and found out the “rules” before we did it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t breaking a law, Rule, or Bylaw before I got into something.
Did it off and on for two months and had a blast, I was sure glad I talked with the locals that told me the rules, before I broke one?
Safe travels Garry.