Bob806, when Trudeau called Canada's citizens home, I think, back in March, so many of them (including some of my good friends) immediately packed up here in the US and Mexico and headed home to Canada just under Trudeau's first 14-day quarantine. About the same time, the US closed the borders into the US from Mexico for non-essential foreign nationals except for Canadians and asked the question, "Are you on your way home?" Of course, they said yes, but it seems that so many did not go home as per Canadians on Facebook and their forums and as per a 100-mile trip I recently made up to the Myrtle Beach, SC area. There were Quebec license plates all over the place; had a friendly conversation with one full-time RVer, and he decided to store his RV in North Myrtle Beach and rent a houseboat and float up and down the Santee River for a while. My point is if you had joined the Canadians on their way north before the Canadian lockdown, you could have enjoyed boondocking around Canada (and possibly with your Parks Canada card; I enjoy using mine). Kind of wished I had done that this year; I can tell the Canadians who came up from Mexico are really enjoying themselves and have packed in cases of beer for their rented houseboat.