I heard the boy scout leader interviewed on CBC radio here in Yukon. The group were in four vans crossing the border from Yukon into Alaska on the Alaska Highway, at the US border station Port Alcan.
The boys were in the scout uniforms. Apparently the problem started with the first van crossing, with some attitude between the scout leader and an agent. Then the incident was with a boy scout in the next van to cross, and apparently the issue was he took pictures. Yet, I've taken pictures at the border crossing without issue, even have those posted online, and it hasn't been a problem. I make no secret of it.
As I listened to the interview, I wondered what the underlying problems/issues were. Admittedly, if a youngster jumped out of a vehicle and started searching through baggage on a van roof, I might also be concerned about what is coming out of that bag and be tempted to protect myself just in case.
In the interview the scout leader indicated that the agents seemed concerned about drugs crossing the border, and asked several times if the boys had drugs in their possession. One boy was on medication and was concerned.
The leader also mentioned that one of the vans smelled strongly of incense and the driver was questioned about that. The story went on to indicate that one of the boys was burning incense to disguise the smell of cigarette smoke of the driver. But why is a driver smoking cigarettes with youth in the van?
Dunno...just one side of the story was heard. Surely there is more to it that caused the incident.