Ted white certianly appears to be the most knowledgeable
The key word hear is "appears". What else do we know? My question is, was, and always will be - what happens in the long term if you put 500 ppm into a system designed for 15 ppm? I have heard it can be expensive. Is the person giving the advice going to pay for any repairs due to his advice?
Here's what research over the years has told me... Vehicle manufactures and the EPA were trying for years to reduce emissions. They could not design a system that would work until fuel refiners were able to reduce sulfur to 15 ppm. They could not come up with a system that would work at higher ppm. So if you continually put 500 ppm into this system are there long term damages to the system? NOTE that 500 ppm is over 30 times as much as the system is design for. We have heard that truckers using these newer trucks with these systems eventually have to replace parts even though they are using the proper ULSD fuel. So what happens if you put improper fuel in and how much does it cost? We have not had this question answered on this forum since 2007 when this discussion began. I am asking about long term problems that could shorten the lifespan of expensive components - not necessarily long term use of the wrong fuel but if it will contribute to maintenance and repair costs somewhere down the road.
If you call the engineers at the manufacturer you may get some idea of what damage could be done to the system and how much it would cost to repair it. They certainly are not going to tell you to go ahead and use the fuel. But they can probably answer the question about what damage could occur and the cost of repair.
I am not trying "cluck" at anyone - my original post said I could not provide advice because I did not know details about the specific vehicle - my intent was to try to get the original poster to provide more information. Then another poster on this form said to Google to find the info. But that may not tell me exactly what details might be needed about the original posters specific vehicle - year - make - model - fuel - etc. Google will not tell me this. Only the owner of the vehicle can tell us this.