Forum Discussion

1320guy's avatar
Jun 09, 2023

Cal to Texas

Hey all, finally leaving California for good. 36' DP pulling 20' open trailer with car on it. Can anyone tell me the flattest route from Bakersfield to Weatherford Texas. Thanks in advance.
  • Although I plan to never be in Californicate-ya again, the CA 95 to Parker is much faster that the AZ 95.
    Years ago when I worked and drove/operated satellite TV trucks, my favorite route from Phoenix to Vegas used CA 95 (still had to cross Hoover Dam at the time and AZ 93 was no fun in an under powered satellite truck).
  • I always said the happiest day of my life was when we crossed the Colorado River on I-10 and saw the little sign, "WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA".....

  • discovery4us wrote:
    Congratulations on getting out of California.
    A climb any direction you go. I use 58 to 14 to 138 to 15 to 215 to 210 and then 10 to 20.
  • Congratulations on getting out of California.
    A climb any direction you go. I use 58 to 14 to 138 to 15 to 215 to 210 and then 10 to 20.
  • Thank you. No overheating issues. Just don't like crawling up hill and wanted some input on the best route. I appreciate your advice.
  • 46 west not a typo to 101 to 10 and then LA. Do you really want the flattest route? :@

    Otherwise 58 and brave the grade, to AZ 95 to 10 or CA 95, Parker to AZ 95 to 10.

    If you don't have a engine overheat problem does it really matter if you are going 40 MPH+ on grade in the right lane with flashers on? Or whatever you can do. If your brakes are good you know what to do on down grades right?

    Can someone drive the car on grades?