djgarcia wrote:
rightlaneonly wrote:
I run around 58 to 60 mph and seldom pass a simi, usually they're passing me;)
IMHO, drivers who are not driving the "general" speed of the flow of traffic present more driving hazards and potential for accidents than those driving to fast. Driving too slow causes people to constantly adjust their speed and/ or make others make frequent passing lane changes.
IMHO if you are travelling at the minimum speed you are safe and legal. The other drivers should slow to accommodate conditions including slow vehicles. Just because the speed limit is 70+ does not indicate that it is always safe to drive that fast. Certainly if a vehicle is limited by law to go no more than 55 the law is clearly on the side of this driver obeying the law. There is absolutely no reason to make an unsafe lane change or pass dangerously.
For the OP, if you are pulled over for speeding while towing your citation will read 55 as the limit and you fine will escalate from there. More than 20 over gets expensive very fast. And likely you will not be pulled over going a few miles over 55.