I am distressed to hear that the "California cutoff" (where the cars speed up to get in front of a trailer) is not common in other places. I keep hoping that Calif is really not so bad. But it really is worse than the rest of the country. I am stuck here forever, with a two or three hour white knuckle ride through an urban jungle until I get to the open road.
On the other hand, the weather is really great, almost all the time.
Go drive in Atlanta, Dallas, Boston, Chicago, New York or even Seattle. You might revise your thoughts about California drivers being
really worse than the rest of the country. In California you have to tow slower but can access any freeway with your trailer or fifth wheel. Try that in New York state where there are major highway arteries that prohibit trailers or fifth wheels. I'll take the few miles per hour penalty in California any day to being told I cannot access the straightest, fastest, easiest road to my destination because it is illegal. Or in some other places, many places actually, where you pay tolls to be on the multilane freeways. Maybe California for towing is not all that bad, huh?