msmith1199 wrote:
If you drive much in Southern California you'll see people don't use their turn signals to change lanes. It's not that their being rude, but if you turn your signal on, that is a message to the guy in that lane who is behind you to speed up and not let you change lanes. So you wait until you have enough room, and then just go. Drivers in the Northern part of the state are nice and mild as compared to Los Angeles drivers. And neither are has bad as New York City drivers.
I beg to differ with you on your SoCal vs. NorCal comparison. I think it's more accurate to say "If you drive much in ANY heavily populated area of California ...."
I did the commute to/through Silicon Valley for 20 years and turn signals were just a suggestion for the driver behind and in the next lane to "close the gap" and not let you in - routine!! SoCal is not much different except everyone is trying to drive much faster and it seems it's all about ME, ME, ME.
The bone head maneuver that gripes me the most lately is when a car gets to a four-way stop -- then just goes. Some people interpret the four-way as "OK - I've stopped - now I can go". No regard for whether it's their turn to go or not - they just go. Impatient, self absorbed, ME-ME-ME!!!!!
I will now step off of my soapbox - thank you :)