Another question, due to the confusion about the fees for the Nat Parks:
If going to the Icefield Parkway from Revelstoke, do you pay for Revelstoke/Glacier Park AND Yoho/Bannf/Jasper?? In other words, 2 day use fees the same day??
Thanks again!!
EDIT - Answer below. --snip--
That being said, a couple of points that might be helpful:
If you aren't stopping in a National Park but just driving through then you do not need a park pass
with the exception of the Icefields Parkway which requires a pass to drive it regardless of whether you stop or not. i.e. if you're just driving through Yoho/Glacier then get the pass in Banff and you won't have to worry further.
If you are going to be in the National Parks for more than 6 days in a year then buy the yearly Discovery Pass. It costs $136.40 for up to 7 people arriving together in a single vehicle and is good for every National Park in Canada for as many days as you want.
I'll look further and see if I can get more specifics about your question.