Hello to all,
I thought for my first post on this forum I would show you some pics of one of our favorite places to camp.:B
Ashnola River is just outside of Keremeos BC on the Ashnola Forest Service Rd. These campgrounds are not serviced and you MUST:M pack out what you pack in. The road is well maintained and accessible by most RV's. We usually camp at the Red Bridge Site, however the other sites are very nice also.
This is the campground road.
Our Wildwood in the Wildwoods!
Another view of our campsite. The river is right beside us.
This is the Entrance
Ashnola Forest Service Rd.
"The Boys" Merlin and Logan at the Swimming Hole
Hope you enjoy the photos, or better yet come and see for yourselves but,psssst don't tell anyone else.
And Please,Please lets keep our unserviced campgrounds clean:C. Pack out what you pack in and maybe a little more!:W
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