Forum Discussion

Francesca_Knowl's avatar
Aug 26, 2013

Canoe down Eastern Washington's Lower Crab Creek?

Hi there...

Getting ready for a fall trip over to the Seeps near Othello and wondering if anyone's ever taken a canoe down Lower Crab Creek. The little I've been able to see of it from Lower Crab Creek Road looks like an easy float- famous last words, right?

The stretch I'm looking at is about the last eight miles...there's a spot under the Smyrna Bridge where one could put a boat in- intention would be to take out just before the confluence with the Columbia.

Anyone ever done this float?
  • An old book Water Trails of Washington, W Furrer (1970s) has an entry for this, 6 miles to the Columbia. There's one class II rapids (very tight S curve), which can be portaged on the left bank.
  • I'm familiar with the hiking trails including the former RR right-of-way, but that's mostly along the road and offers little water access/view. I've hunted around the web looking for info...DNR's got nothing, I s'pose since most of the creek portion I'm talking about flows through private land. Very little bank access through there. In Washington State, "navigable waters" supposedly can't be restricted if accessed from outside the private property boundaries.

    I'm just wondering if anyone's ever "navigated" that stretch, hopefully without getting shot at by landowners! :E