The caravans tend to stay at commercial RV parks so if you wish to avoid the pack, then make your rig comfy without needing hookups and stay at the government campgrounds.
In Yukon, the government campgrounds are the best! Usually near lakes or streams, free firewood and only $12 per night. When we RVed the north, we rarely stayed in commercial RV parks - usually only once a week when we needed to clean up, dump tanks and fill with water. Otherwise, we were out in the wilderness enjoying the peace and quiet. Now that we live here, we usually drycamp in the wilderness.
One comment about the slow-moving RVs - now that I live in Yukon again and commute to work Mon-Fri I often need to pass tourists on the AK Hwy. I totally understand driving for the road conditions if you don't know where the potholes and frost heaves are BUT what often gets me is when I'm passing on a straight stretch and then the RV swerves to the middle of the highway to avoid a bump and I have to swerve to avoid being hit. Please check for someone passing you before you swerve into the oncoming lane - fortunately I have a little car that doesn't need a lot of space but my aging heart has a hard time dealing with the adrenalin rush.