We just spent 7 days without cell coverage. We hunkered down over the Victoria Long Weekend at Strawberry Flats along Muncho Lake, moving to Liard Hot Springs on Monday after the Fort Nelson and Watson crowds had left to go home. We drove into Toad River or Great North Lodge along Muncho to get WiFi.
Zero coverage after you leave the range of the towers in Fort Nelson, until we rolled into Watson Lake. Most people who are passing thru, do this in one to three days, depending upon their need for speed.
We did pick a no contract sim card for my Droid phone. Added US phone calls, and 10GB of data use too. Worked well thru Alberta, and as expected so far spotty along upper BC and now Yukon. Though Telus towers are what are used in this region, and cell coverage is about the same between Telus and Bell. I was told that Bell uses a different backhaul to the internet from the towers, getting a bit more speed. (Can't prove that either way, but was what I heard from the chatter between people along the way.) So I'd probably have gone with Bell if I had hit them before the Telus... (Spotty research on my part, and voice cell was the objective to check in on our MIL as we travel thru this region.)
Will soon be back in USA Verizon Alasaka area, and will put my sim back into the droid. Until we head back South for the last half of July and into August to pick up Banf, Jasper and Glacier on the way South - we'll see how Telus does along that part of the trip.
And plus two on stopping if you feel safe to do so to see if you can help others in need. Many stretches with no phone and or CB range coverage.
Best to all,