Forum Discussion

poloace's avatar
Apr 22, 2015

Chaco Canyon

Has anyone been to Chaco Canyon latley?
How are the roads? We are planning, middle of September. I have heard to come in from the north side. Also the last few miles are really rough.
  • The roads will vary by how much bad weather they've had and how long it's been since the Road Grader went thru. When we visited the road was in good condition. You could tell that it had been graded in the last week or two. A severe storm would have changed that overnight.
  • We were there 3 yrs ago and the road in from the north was the worst wash board I ever drove on and I used to work for the Forest Service. They said the southern route in was even worse. Aparently the park doesn't do the road maintenance. Just have to go slow and make sure everything is secure inside your RV. Worth the trip and IMHO better thean Mesa Verde , Canyon DeChelley and the others we have visited since it is more pristine, has not been restored and fewer people. When the sun goes down in the Canyon and you are so close to the ruins it is just awesome.