Forum Discussion

LTJG's avatar
Jun 29, 2015

Columbus, Ohio ?

For those that have traveled through this area, we will be traveling through Columbus, Ohio and wondering if taking the bypass is recommended?
  • We usually travel I-70 east and west a couple times a year.
    I've tried I-270 a few times.
    I think I-70 is the quickest and easiest route. That's the way we always go now.
    Just don't hit it at rush hour and you'll be fine
  • we drove right up I-71 through the city with no issues at all. Spent the night about 30 miles north of there at Cardinal Center RV Park.
  • My usual answer: Check traffic conditions before you go.
  • Traffic gets backed up either way.... The actual "downtown" portion of 70 is only tight for a couple miles and then it's smooth sailing again. Which way are coming from? What roads?
  • but on a sat or sun you can breeze right threw the middle of town, and its just been repaved. the bypass is ruff.