Kevinwa wrote:
We just spent three nights in Montana, crossing at the Chief Mountain crossing south of Waterton Alberta. Go over the link others have posted above for lists of fruits that are and are not allowed. The main thing is citrus that is not allowed. We were only asked upon crossing if we had any citrus or firewood. We knew the citrus rule in advance, and had finished our oranges off the day prior. We had no issues. The linked us gov site says that they may limit beef.
This is pretty much the way it was in 2000 the last time we drove both ways to AK and again in 2011 when we hopscotched back and for the from ND to Maine.
But wo funny things did happen to us, returning home in 2000 we crossed some where into Washington State, the DW forgot the cardinal rule of Look Agents in the Eye and no un-necessary talk. We had been flagged on through by the agent talking to me when she said "Only the $1.89 lime we bought in AK. Oops!
The second was going into Canada from ND and when I was asked about firewood, I said sure we have some. I had the keys ready and told the agent where it was.. He came back from checking with a cross look on his face and said to me, " I meant logs or cut firewood not dimensional lumber". I replied, you ask about firewood and I'm not about to tell you anything more that yes or no until your official questioning is complete. Then we ask for and got a great referral for lunch just up the road a few miles. Really nice agent.