Forum Discussion

americanrascal's avatar
Jul 17, 2014

Crossing US Canada and back conflicting info on dogs

We are preparing for a trip through Canada from Georgia to Anchorage on the Alaska Hiway next week. I have conflicting info about documentation for our dogs. We have the required rabies certificates, but now I read in Milepost that an additional certificate is required????

"Dogs and cats at least 3 months old need signed and dated certificates from a veterinarian verifying that they have a current vaccination against rabies and also a health certificate, issued not more than 30 days prior to crossing border, and stating your pet is healthy."

"Both certificates must clearly identify the animal in your posession. While these certificates are not always reviewed, the lack of them may result in longer wait times at the border and inadmissibility of your pet"

Milepost is the only place we have seen this health certificate requirement (we already have the rabies cert).

I look on the Canadian site:

(sorry could not get clicky to work)

It sure doesnlt look to me like we need the extra health erificate there?

Anyone run into this 30 day health certification at US or Canadian crossings
  • Ah. Another fine example of Public Servants Serving the Public. One hand not knowing what the other hand holds. I swear that public servants take classes on providing public inconvenience and and confusion!

  • I would rather have the cert, and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
  • I managed to get through to Canadian customs today. They were VERY clear that they do not require a health certificate-- only the regular rabies certificate.

    I have not gotten through to US folks but everything I have read on US Customs web site thus far seems to only require current rabies.

    However third party sites are the ones that I see the health certificate requirements
  • Here's a link to the form if you want to download/look at it.

    According to the teeny tiny print in the upper right corner of that document, it looks like the health certificate "requirement" is specific to animals being transported by third parties. One MIGHT need such a thing for crated airplane travel, for example. Dunno about land border crossing with pets in your possession, but as advised above, it sure couldn't hurt to be prepared.
  • I crossed last year and had both certificates. My vet was familiar with the form.
    I don't think you will be asked to produce the certificate. However there is always the chance.
    Getting a certificate will be less hassle than being denied at the border.
  • We have crossed back and forth more times than I can count and have never been asked for more than shot records.

    A number of years ago, we had trouble because the US agent was familiar with 3-year rabies vaccinations. Thankfully, one of his cohorts was.
