Thousands do it every year.
Some notes of mine that might help:
I-40 East from Knoxville, TN
I-40, TN, MM 444, Begin 55mph Truck restriction lane.
I-40, TN, MM 445, Caution, 50mph Left curve.
I-40, TN, MM 450, Caution, sharp 45mph left curve.
I-40, NC, MM 20, End Truck restriction lane. 60mph downhill race to Asheville, NC
I-40, NC, MM 46A, I-26 Split.
I-26, NC, MM 53/54 Continental Divide, 2130 feet.
I-26, NC, MM 54, Enter the Green River Gorge, 7 % downhill grade, 55mph.
I-26, NC, MM 55, Bridge over the Green River.
I-26, NC, MM 61, Start uphill pull.
I-26, NC, MM 62, 6% Downhill grade.
I-26, NC, MM 62.5. Bottom
I-26, SC, Gentle rolling hills to Columbia, SC