Hi Sue and all. Just a sidelight to your bucket list to Tuk. In about 1990 or so I was visiting our daughter in Phoenix. She and I went to an RV show just looking. There were a couple of guys with a table and a computer set up so we stopped. They were showing off their new program called "Auto Map" I said if that thing can show me the way from Phoenix to Tuktayuktuk I would buy it! Well - I had to spell it for them then the machine ( remember this was a long time ago- took about 20 minutes and then spit out a dot-matrix map - sure enought it showed the road to Tuk. But it did n't know there was only the winter road! I bought it! The next year or so Bill Gates bought them out and Auto Map became Trips and Streets. And yes - I still use it for our annual(and more) trips!!
Eventually did the Dempster to Inuvik then flew (on a tour) to Tuk for a day. Even have a certificate signed by an Elder/ Chief attesting that I swam/waded in the Arctic. Janet has one also. That trip was one of the best we have had in 15 years of RVing. Sorry I can't take you up on the offer. Age has caught me - but we still RV down south! Have a blast!