I too enjoy the Denali Hwy. the 13 years we lived in Nenana Alaska, an extended family camping trip was usually our last trip of the fall before winterizing the RV. My wife's two sisters and their families would join us for a week or so. Normally we stayed in or close to the Tangle Lakes campground, near the eastern end of the road The third Tangle Lake south of the highway has some of the best grayling fishing availing that you can find on the road system. Paxson Lake, not too far away is excellent fishing for Lake trout, in the spring time, just as the ice was melting.
The Denali Highway is obviously not for everyone, but for many/most it is a very special trip across. On my first round trip to Alaska in 1962, I wanted to see Mount McKinley National Park so I drove over the Denali o get there. The Parks Hwy wasn't finished for another 11 years. Yes, the Denali Hwy is a gravel road, no better the last time we drove it in 2011 than it was the first time.
The Denali Hwy is very representative of the way the Alaska Hwy was in the early days. I drove the Alaska Hwy 9 round trips before it was paved so I just take the Denali Hwy the way it is. I have probably been over the Denali Hwy at least 50 times or more, a number of those trips pulling a boat on a trailer. It is basically a 10 mph road at times. I suspect Trackrig, (Bill) has been over it as many times as I have as he grew up in Anderson, just south of Nenana and is a Nenana High School graduate. He now lives in Anchorage, when he and his wife aren't in the Lower 48 running around in their diesel pusher. They spend about half their time outside and the other half in Alaska.