Tom/Barb wrote:
From Paxton there are 21 miles of hard road, which this year is very heavily heaved and in a Class A this portion is a 25 mile per hour road. The other end Cantwell east there are 10 miles of hard road, but still is a 30 mile per hour road.
I had to tow my trailer at 15 MPH on the Alaska Highway just east of the Alaska border. The big slabs of frost-heaved and broken asphalt looked like the ice on the Yukon River before breakup. Reconstruction was progressing west from Beaver Creek, but hadn't reached that section yet. And there were frost-heaved sections west of Destruction Bay and on the Tok Cutoff that were 25-30 MPH for us. So, for me at least, 30 MPH on pavement on the Denali Highway seems reasonable.