Blazing Zippers wrote:
Well, diggity dog!! I took advice from here---cleared the cache---reinstalled Bing Maps----and viola!! All good.
Thank you for the help.
A comment about the Google directions; I've only been with my daughter when she's using them, and they didn't give some important instructions that my Garmin would have. My inexpensive Garmin gives the lane we should be in, advance advice as to which direction to turn, and the side of the road the destination is on. I do believe we would still be in Asheville, NC without those directions!
Again, thanks for the help.
Basically one step up from the old reboot the computer advice. :)
How long ago was it that google maps wasn't giving you lane recommendations?
Google maps typically provides lane recommendations for me.
On the other hand, more than once the old Garmin had no clue that an interchange had been completely reconfigured.