Forum Discussion

Tony_DiannesRV's avatar
Jun 03, 2016

Dolores, CO to Black Canyon, CO

Good morning!
We are presently staying at a wonderful cg in Dolores. Slowly, we are becoming used to your (very) hilly CO terrain! Visited Mesa Verde for the last two days and will be seeing Durango, Silverton, Ouray, Telluride with just the truck over the next several days.

I've done a search to find an answer to our question, but end up getting more confused as I continue to read (and becoming side-tracked as I jot down new things to see!)

Our next stop next week is Black Canyon in Gunnison. We've got a reservation right in the park. Looking at the map, would we take 145N from Dolores to 62E to 550N to Montrose, then 50E to 347? We will have the 5'er on our backs, so looking for the easiest ride.
Thanks in advance for your help.