Forum Discussion

haciendacontrer's avatar
Sep 28, 2020

Driving across the border during Covid

Have any US tourists actually crossed the border from Texas into Mexico in the past month or so? I understand that you can get a tourist permission at the border, your TIP on line, but have heard a couple of rumors of tourists being turned back a few miles inland. Anyone?
  • Hi Barb And Sal
    We have recently had people from the US come across at Columbia no problems no questions they had a great trip here. enjoying it here come on down
  • FYI,

    I am a residente permanente. I have crossed north and south many times since covid restrictions were announced.

    I have crossed south at Anzalduas, Colombia, and Nogales. While checking back into Mexico I have asked the INM officer if my "friend" can come visit me. Each time I have been told there is no issues getting FMM touristas.

    So come on down, enjoy the winter, and be warm
  • "why stay in hotels and restaurants where there is more covid risk."

    My opinion too. Gasoline stations and grocery stores.
  • yeah that is thr safest way. I have decided to stay home. My RV is trapped north of the border. I dont want to risk flying. Be interesting to see what the situation is in valle.
  • Hey Paul, not Sal for sure, but me maybe, going in as a tourist. We will probably try, taking the 5er. We figure if we can social distance and mask here in the stores we can do that there also, and just stay home in our own house there, in WARM weather. Flying not an option, and if we can camp, why stay in hotels and restaurants where there is more covid risk. Nice to hear from you.
  • reports I am hearing is that although technically the same restrictions are in place as the canadian border, in practice, noone is being blocked. Trying to escape that chicago winter, Barb? Sal certainly won't have an issue
  • Everything I'm hearing is that it's totally normal and you just drive in.

    At least one of you is a citizen/resident, so that totally makes things wide open.