Just like any large city, Detroit will have good places and bad. Use your common sense. If you're just driving through, why worry?
When we had the 5th wheel, we once had a tow vehicle issue while on the highway nearing the St. Louis Arch area. We pulled off the highway trying to find a repair facility. We were in East St. Louis, Illinois.
Some of you might associate East St. Louis with horror.
We were in a residential neighborhood and saw some young men chatting on the porch. We stopped and asked about a mechanical service place nearby. They all quickly gathered around the hood, diagnosed the problem and fixed it with something he had in his garage! They were absolutely wonderful and got a big grin when we tipped them. They had all sorts of questions about our 5th wheel and our lifestyle.
Bottom line, there are good people everywhere, even in the so-called ghetto.
Another note, our daughter - a public school teacher - once rented in WATTS - Los Angeles. You might have heard about this neighborhood in earlier years! :) That was were her job was so that's where she chose to live. (You have to know our daughter to understand this.)
The very first thing she did was go door to door introducing herself so they wouldn't question why she was there. She never had an incident in the three years she was there and met many nice helpful neighbors. She wasn't afraid to live there.
By the way, we were never allowed to visit her. She always came to us. :) She survived and is now living in Sausalito - teaching there.
So don't be afraid to drive through Detroit!