I would also like to add that, for the most part during the middle of the day, people on the road tend to be fairly...courteous.
But during rush hour, that goes out the window. At that point there are 2 types of drivers. The ones getting run over, and the ones running them over...you just have to decide which one of those you are.
I guess what I'm saying, if you need to exit for some reason or change lanes or whatever...do it well in advance if you can. I mean even in a car or truck without a trailer, you can turn your signal on 1 mile away, and might never get over in time. With trailer in tow, most will want to be in front of you...and a nice line will form of every single car in that lane that will be bumper to bumper going 20 mph faster than you, essentially blocking you from doing anything.
No i'm not bitter...lol.