Forum Discussion

Movin__on's avatar
Jun 17, 2015

Driving around Detroit

We are going to be in Michigan in July and will be heading back toward Toledo from Port Huron and Saint Clair. I know Detroit is a place to stay away from but is it safe to drive I 696 thru or should we pick a different route?
  • I deliver parts for our machine shop. I make many trips a week down to the D and not in the 'nice' neighborhoods. I tend to stay off the expressways and run the Mile Rds. I, thank God, have never had any problems. I don't make any unnecessary stops and keep an eye on my surroundings.
    That said, IMHO, running any expressway during the day, will be uneventful except for the pot holes and construction barrels.
    BTW girl here with no CCW.
  • I-94 to I-75 -- we just did that from Toledo to Algonac last month. No problem in the middle of the day. The road was in better condition that the road around.
  • As Ron said. If you want the safest route use 275. If you want to take 75 pack your handgun. I worked in Hamtramck and packed a big lunch.
  • Just in case you decided to take 69 to 75/US23. Don't, construction at 96 and 23 is a mess.
  • sch911 wrote:
    Depending on what time of day it is Id take I-94 to I-75 to Toledo.
    I'll second that. It is my usual route to the Detroit airport.
    I696 to I275 also works but it's about 10 miles further.
    OP, stay on the freeways and avoid rush hours.
    11am will be no problem.
  • You shouldn't have any problems driving through I-94/I-75 aside from construction barrels and our wonderful (sarcasm) roads.

    I suppose you could head up 696 to 75, but I really don't think it matters much, unless it shortens your trip. You are bound to run into construction barrels and crappy roads either way.
  • We will be going thru around 11 am. If we just stay on the Interstate and don't get off we'll be ok? I've just heard so much negative about Detroit I wasn't sure.
  • Depending on what time of day it is Id take I-94 to I-75 to Toledo.