Forum Discussion

TomandCandy's avatar
Apr 04, 2020

driving from arizona to wa state

Just wondering whats going on out on the highways heading back to Washington state in a week or two from Arizona I assume fuel stations are open I assume you wont be hassled by the cops on highway but this is crazy times what do you know or have heard thanks Tom
  • We came back up through Nevada couple weeks ago. Grocery stores were stripped. Fuel was readily available. Some of the fuel station mini-marts were closed, so had to use credit card on island. Had to run twice to get full tank.
    Many vehicles on road. Many were our Canadian neighbors trying to get home.
  • I'd go up thru Kingman and then thru Nevada and avoid California....might have to stay in truck stops along the way. KOA is supposed to be open but any campground warrants a call to ensure availability. Every State has issued a stay at home order and unless it's 'essential' I'd stay put until this passes. One must not only consider their own health but the health of anyone they might come in contact with. You may be a carrier and not yet know it. While I'm pretty healthy, at 76, I don't want it...Dennis