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LuvMyNewfs's avatar
Mar 17, 2016

Driving route FL to AK easiest and time wise

We have driven to Alaska twice now, both times in an SUV. The first trip was the scenic route, Banff, Jasper etc... last year was speedy route straight up and through Ontario and over. Any suggestions for the best route time and ease wise pulling a travel trailer? We go to Alaska for the fishing! We are in the Daytona Beach area of Florida. Thanks!
  • I don't remember ever checking the miles or time on the different routes. Not sure that time wise it takes any longer, to stay south on I 10, hugging the Gulf Coast before starting the angle up toward Colorado Springs. Our first night is spent at the Tallahassee RV Park, 2nd night at Poche's RV and fish camp in Breaux Bridge, LA, third night in Terrell TX, 4th at the Amarillo RV Ranch RV park, and depending on how long a day we want driving out of there, we may spend the next at Garden of the God's RV in the Springs or we may stop in Raton NM or Trinadad CO.

    My wife grew up in the Springs and Woodland Park, so we often will spend a week in the area while she visits friends. Sometimes on the way north and other times on the way south bound in the fall. Most of our Alaska trips run between 12,000 and 16,000 miles for the round trip, We don't tend to make too many tourist stops on our way to the north country. We will log places we wish to visit in the future. These we will stop to see on our way to Colorado on alternate summers. The last Colorado trip was via St Louis, Mount Rushmore, Devils Tower, Wind Cave, Yellowstone, Vernal Utah and then to Western Colorado for a couple of months. Then to Capital Reef NP and back to Stuart Florida.
  • Hard question to answer!
    We try to leave on a Saturday morning to get through the big cities. I10 is in pretty bad shape plus you have Houston and San Antonio to contend with.
    We stay away from Atlanta and Memphis is usually a mess.
    What if anything to you want to see on your trip?
    I used google maps to look at routes it suggested from Daytona Beach and the preferred route was through Atlanta, alternate was I10 to Mobile, Al, then up to I20, using some Alternates to the interstate system to I25.
    Again purely subjective to what you want to see. I avoid big eastern cities except on weekends. I 25 is great except for Denver.
    Weather is a factor.
    Check for interstate projects. Last year Kansas City was a nightmare, St Louis not much fun either.
    use the Internet to get updates on road construction.
    Plan well, have fun.
    Our 15000 mile trip to Alaska from Sarasota last year was a blast.
  • Thank you for all of your information on the routes you take, We have only gone 75 through Atlanta up through Chattanooga then north to St louis and it was a lot of bigger cities. I do like the western route over to 25 and head up. It is such easy driving out there. We went to NM last month in our truck and it was easy driving other than Dallas.

    I wonder how many hours longer it takes to do the southern loop and up, I will have to check it out. Thanks for all of your advice!
  • We try to get up that way every couple of years ..have done 13 round trips so far by RV. Our most common route is up the Florida Turnpike to Hwy 44 over to Crysral River, then up Hwy 19 to Tallahassee. From there we check the long term forecast for weather in the Midwest . If any storms are forecast, we will head west on I 10 to the town of Breaux Bridge, then I 46 (or is it I 49)?,up toward Dallas/Ft Worth. Then cut up to Amarillo Texas, across west to I 25 to Colorado Springs and sometimes on north to the Canadian border. Other times we will head west from the Springs to Montrose Colorado, north to grand Junction, west on I 70 to Green River Utah, north to Salt Lake and on to the border.

    One trip we went north to Boston first, crossed into Canada and headed west through the Prairie Provinces. Gives one a real taste for how large Canada is east to west.

    Other times if the weather looks good, we will from Tallahassee, go north to Montgomery, to Birmingham Memphis, west to Tusla Oklahoma, cutting north to Salida Kansas, the west to Denver and on north on I25. One trip we went north up to Davenport Iowa, up to Hwy 2 west to Montana.

    The last 4 trips we have taken our truck camper, so more comfortable going through some of the larger towns on our route. We may take our 5th wheel if we go back this summer. The extra room would sure be nice to have at times. But the same truck gets about 2 mpg better on fuel with the TC on rather than the trailer. So we will see.

    A travel trailer is about the only RV we haven't used in the past, just never owned one. Most trips were in a mid sized Class C, not towing. Six of them I believe. The Fifth wheel worked fine the year we took it. I have never found the vehicle that we are using has been much of a factor in the enjoyment of the trip. Loved every trip. Some of them solo and most with my wife.